"The biggest asset KitchenTools PCMS™ has provided my company is in the vendor purchasing area. Because the program has the ability to compare the cost of raw materials from many suppliers I am confident in knowing that I am making purchases at the lowest possible price. This not only saves my company money; but I am also able to pass the savings along to my customers. Because we procure our inventory at the best price available in our market we are able to accrue many new customers based on our low sandwich prices compared to our competitors."
"When checking in vendor orders we are able to keep our suppliers “honest” by easily comparing the quoted price of the raw material versus the price the material was sent in to us. This has saved us a great deal of money. Before we had this software, we had to remember the price the vendor had given us in the days prior to receiving the orders. Frequently, the suppliers would increase the cost of the materials in hopes we wouldn’t notice, and unfortunately, many times we wouldn’t. There was a lot of room for overcharges, which have been completely eliminated by using KitchenTools PCMS™."
"The amount of timesaving spent on vendor ordering is enormous. A job that once required many labor-intensive hours throughout the week is now done in one short hour each week. Not only has my valuable time been reduced, the accuracy of the orders has significantly increased. I used to take an “educated guess” as to the supplies that we would need to bring in for the week based mostly on the prior week’s usage. Often we would end up short on some materials and way over on others. This obviously affected the production in the kitchen. Because KitchenTools PCMS™ adds up all of the ingredients needed in the sandwiches ordered by our customers, and subtracts the amount of the raw material in inventory we have accurate vendor orders each week. This completely eliminated all of the hours spent running around trying to procure ingredients that I overlooked on the orders."
"The extent of the ability to customize certain aspects of the program has helped my company on a massive scale. We have been able to acquire new business that in the past we would have been forced to turn down because we were unable to provide the customization our potential customers were requesting. It is no longer a hardship to offer a “private label” for a customer wanting to use their unique company logo. We also have the capabilities to customize expiration dates, suggested retail prices, and menu codes for each of our individual customers. This key aspect of the software has allowed us to garner new business without having to outlay additional funds."
"KitchenTools Software, Inc. has reduced the number of programs we need to run our business efficiently. In the past we had to use several different programs to keep track of payables, receivables, inventory, and production. Now, all of these features and more are conveniently located in one program. This saves both time and confusion. Any employee can be trained to use KitchenTools PCMS™ in a quick and efficient manor."